Brand :
Made Familiar
Author: Ronald Okwemba

Once a topic is taught and completed in class, the student should work on all questions from that topic in this book. This helps the student understand fully the concepts learnt.

By attempting all questions, from a topic that has just been learnt, the student improves his/her retention of skills and procedures.

Past K.C.S.E. questions play an important role in familiarizing a student with National Examinations. For topics frequently tested, the number of ways in which concepts can be tested is limited, and so similar ideas recur.

Chemistry will open you up into the world of chemicals, which is highly rewarding in today’s world of innovation and technology in Industries. Chemistry, being a very practical subject, will open up your future to many career paths.

Passing Chemistry is easy!

Just be attentive in class, do your homework

consistently, use a revision book (such as KCSE Made Familiar), have a positive attitude, and believe in yourself !!!!