(0)By : Zawadi Namukhula
Miembe ya Ajabu
Toma ananunua miche ya miembe. Bela hapendi miembe hiyo lakini Toma anaipanda. Toma anatunza miembe yake vizuri lakini miembe haikui. Mama na Baba wanasema miembe hiyo si ya kawaida. Je, ni miembe ya aina gani?
(0)By : Emmanuel Munasi
Maandazi ya Haiba
Haiba na marafiki zake wanataka kumnunulia Baraka zawadi anaposherehekea siku yake ya kuzaliwa. Baraka anaishi na nyanya yake ambaye anaugua. Hata hivyo, kina Haiba hawana pesa za kumnunulia Baraka keki na zawadi nyinginezo. Kwa kuwa likizo imeanza, wanaamua kutafuta njia ya kupata pesa. Je, watatumia mbinu gani? Je, wataweza kupata pesa za kutosha kumnunulia Baraka keki na zawadi nyinginezo?
(0)By : Hillary Ihaji
My Secret and Other Stories
Have you ever imagined living in a place where you are not allowed to eat, sleep, play, make friends or go to school? How does it feel to live in such a place? In this collection of short interesting stories, you will interact with children living in such a world and how they feel and cope.
(0)By : Hillary Ihaji
Balozi in Trouble Again
Balozi always want to impress his friends. This puts him in trouble every time. He uses his creativity and imagination skills to get out of trouble and to prove himself to his peers. Read these three captivating short stories to find out how he tackles the different challenges he encounters.
(0)By : Elijah Sabakaki
The Broken Promise and Other Stories
Kibe always find himself between a rock and a hard place. To find his way out, he must apply skills from the subject he fears most—Art and Craft. Kamaria, who loves Art and Craft, often comes to his rescue. For how long will Kibe rely on Kamaria for help?
(0)By : Ali Attas
Ndoto za Juma na Bintiheri
Juma na Bintiheri, ambao ni binamu, wanafunga safari ya Mbuga ya Wanyama ya Tsavo West na Mzima Springs pamoja na wazazi wao. Wanayoshuhudia na kujifunza katika ziara hiyo yanachochea ndoto zao kuhusu kutunza mazingira na kuishi vyema na wanyama wa porini. Pia, yanawafunulia kichemshabongo walichopewa shuleni na mwalimu Kibahaluli. Je, watapata majibu sahihi ya kichemshabongo hicho na kuibuka wanafunzi bora shuleni kwa ubunifu? Jiunge na Juma na Bintiheri katika safari hii ya kiuhalisia na kifantasia iliyojaa vitushi, patashika, mafunzo na vichekesho kwa kusoma hadithi hii ya kusisimua.
(0)By : Joe Mirungu
Kitendawili cha Taji na Hadithi Nyingine
Taji na Zalika ni watoto wanaopenda kutunza mazingira yao na kudadisi mambo. Wanashiriki katika visa tofauti tofauti vya kusisimua vinavyowawezesha kutambua na kujifunza mengi kuhusu wanyama na mimea mbalimbali.
(0)By : Orpha Ramogi
Wakulima Chipukizi na Hadithi Nyingine
Huu ni mkusanyiko wa hadithi fupi fupi zenye matukio ya kuelimisha na kusisimua. Zinajumuisha wahusika chipukizi wanaotumia ujuzi na umilisi waliojifunza darasani pamoja na vipawa vyao kutatua changamoto mbalimbali na kuleta mabadiliko mazuri katika jamii.
(0)By : Vivian Sharon
Faceless Friends
Musembei and Diana have made friends on social media but they do not tell their parents or guardians. Some of the friends have profile pictures of famous people they see on TV. After chatting for a while, Musembei and Diana start trusting their new friends who seem to be caring and understanding. The friends even offer to buy them nice things. But there is a catch; they want Musembei and Diana to fulfill a deal before they receive their gifts…
(0)By : Emma Laybourn
Who is the Champion?
“I am the champion! Nobody can beat me!” 5 chanted Lisa. She danced down the road holding the silver trophy high in the air. It was as big as her head. And it had her name on it… But there is a catch. Her brother, Jimi, claims the same victory and wants the trophy. Who is the real champion between the two siblings?
(0)By : Michael Oluoch
Curiosity Killed the Cat and Other Stories
Okudili and Pendo are classmates. Pendo is impatient while Okudili is curious. He likes searching for new information and asking adults questions to stay informed. He seems to have every answer for every question that his peers throw at him until one day when Maria asks him how it feels when one smokes. Okudili does not have an answer. His curiosity and Pendo’s impatience land them in trouble. How will they get out of the mess?
(0)By : Ali Attas
Sakata za Juma na Bintiheri
Juma na Bintiheri, ambao ni binamu, pamoja na rafiki yao Lulu wanapofanya utafiti kuhusu kazi waliyopewa shuleni, wanavumbua njia kadhaa za kujipatia mapato. Je, wazazi na walimu wao watakubali na kuwekeza katika uvumbuzi wao?
(0)By : Nicholas Ogal
Mashujaa wa Mazingira
Mazingira yamejaa aina mbalimbali za taka. Baadhi ya watu wanapata ajali zinazotokana na taka hizi kama vile kukatwa na chupa. Jerry, Tinda na wenzao wanatafuta suluhisho. Je, watafanya nini?
(0)By : Ali Attas
Masaibu ya Juma na Bintiheri
Mapumziko ya Agosti yanakaribia. Mwalimu Kibahaluli anawaambia wanafunzi wake kuwa wazazi wao wamewaandalia ziara ya kukata na shoka. Ziara hiyo haitakuwa ya kiburudani tu bali pia itawafaa katika kupata majibu ya chemshabongo atakayowapa. Juma, Bintiheri na wanafunzi wenzao wanasubiri likizo ya Agosti kwa hamu na ghamu. Je, Mwalimu Kibahaluli atawapa chemshabongo gani mara hii? Je, safari hiyo itawapeleka wapi?
(0)By : Emma Laybourn
Beri’s Small Troubles
Beri thinks that he should be the acting head of the family when his father is away. But something is holding him back. He has not grown an inch from the last mark he made against the wall several months ago. His twin sister, Zuheri, has grown taller than him. He feels embarrassed every time his peers think he is Zuheri’s kid brother. Whenever he makes a move to prove himself, he lands into trouble. The surging rage inside him is uncontrollable. What is going on? And what is his next move?
(0)By : Cynthia Raryea
Hawi’s Shocking Move
Hawi is upset at leaving her lifelong home. She is afraid that she may not make new friends in the new town where she moves in with her father. To make matters worse, she is losing or forgetting things. By caring for a litter of puppies, Hawi hopes to earn back her father’s trust. Unfortunately, all she gains is trouble when things under her care disappear one after another. Hawi conducts her investigation to track down the stolen items. Could there be a thief in her new neighbourhood? And why is he stealing her things only?